Thursday, January 19, 2012

The last time I laughed so hard, I cried.

Today's Post is brought to you by Bloggy Moms Blog Dare! Today's topic is: The Last Time I Laughed So Hard, I Cried. Well, I already posted about the last time, which was when J.Ho & I figured out we had created the same Hanukkah/Christmas gift for each other.  So, rather than rehash that story, I shall share another time!

I am actually quite famous within my family for my laughter, my ability to laugh until I cry, or on one occasion, laugh until I puked. It was our family's Christmas dinner at my aunt's house. I was probably between 7-10 years old. My brothers, cousin, and I had our very own "kids table" in a separate room from the grown ups.

I have no idea what set me off, but my brothers got me to laughing. I couldn't stop. I have a feeling it was a joke that was over my head, that I laughed at anyway, then thought it was funny I was laughing and laughed at the fact I was laughing at a joke I didn't understand. Understand? Ha! Anyway, I kept telling them to stop. Any chance I got to take a breath, I warned my youngest older brother to stop making me laugh.

By warned, I mean I forgot to mention to him that I was about to barf my dinner all over HIS dinner plate! That's because I didn't see it coming. I knew I needed to stop laughing or I'd get in trouble. I just didn't know trouble was coming in that form!

I am pretty sure my family is counting on my darling daughter, who's THREE today, to re-enact that scenario some day...just by virtue of being MINE!

That wasn't the last time I laughed so hard I cried, just the first and last time I laughed so hard I puked!


Our 365 Days on January 20, 2012 at 6:21 AM said...

haha that is too funny!! New follower from BlogDare! Check out my post

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